100,000+ Lose Power in November Storms

Over 100,000 Lose Power in November Storms During the Nov 15-16th storms, close to 20,000 lost power in Palm Beach County, with 62,000 losing power in Miami-Dade and 24,000 in Broward. Most power was restored within hours, but downed power lines may leave many without power for days. This is a stark reminder that if…

How to prepare for a Hurricane or Tropical Storm

How to Prepare for a Hurricane or Tropical Storm 1 – Cover the Windows If you live in an area vulnerable to hurricanes, consider installing storm shutters. They are available in several different types, and they will go a long way toward keeping the damaging wind and rain from entering through your home’s windows. As…

Hurricane Tips for Horse Owners

Hurricane Tips for Horse Owners Horses should be kept on the owner’s or caretaker’s property, if possible. If you plan to evacuate your animal out of the area, go early. In a Category 1 storm, animals may be safe in a sturdy barn. In a Category 2 storm or higher, animals are probably safest in a…

Hurricane Tips for Pet Owners

Hurricane Tips for Pet Owners The following information has been adapted from www.FloridaPets.net,  We strongly suggest a visit to their website for more updated and full information about pet preparedness. Some of this info is dated and subject to changes – please verify that the resources listed below are still available.  Why pet-friendly shelters? According…

Prepare a Hurricane Survival Kit

How to Prepare a Hurricane Survival Kit Preparing a Hurricane Survival Kit before an storm threatens can make a big difference in how you and your family weather the storm. Items for preparing a hurricane survival kit include: Water – 1 gallon per day per person (for 3 to 7 days) Battery Operated Radio Bleach…